Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Flood Revisited II

Erebus terminitincta Adult Moth Sandstone Country

Erebus terminitincta 1st Instar Sandstone Country
Erebus terminitincta Cocoon Sandstone Country
Erebus terminitincta Early Instar Sandstone Country
Erebus terminitincta Late Instar Sandstone Country
Flower Wasp TIPHIIDAE sp. Sandstone Country

Flower Wasp TIPHIIDAE sp. Covered In Pollen Sandstone Country

Fully Grown Stabilimentum only a small zig-zag remains Wheel Weaving Argiope sp Sandstone Country
Grevillea heliosperma Sandstone Country
Hibbertia dilatata Sandstone Country
Jumping Spider Hypoblemum sp. Sandstone Country

Leaf Beetle Chrysomelidae sp Sandstone Country
Leafroller TORTRICIDAE sp. Sandstone Country
Long-jawed or Four-jawed Orb Weavers Male Sandstone Country
Long-jawed Spider - Tetragnatha nitens Sandstone Country
Looper Moth Anisozyga aphrias Larva Feeding On Billy Goat Plum Terminalia ferdinandiana Sandstone Country

Lopper Moth Anisozyga aphrias Cocoon Sandstone Country

Lopper Moth Anisozyga aphrias Moth Sandstone Country

LYMANTRIIDAE sp Sandstone Country
Mecytha fasciata larva Sandstone Country
Mitrasacme connata Sandstone Country

Native Coachroach Ellipsidion sp., nymph on Gravillea dryandri Sandstone Country
Northern Dwarf Tree Frog Litoria bicolor Sandstone Country

Notodontidae Possible Cerura multipunctata Split Tail Cocoon - Thanks to Dave Nowak & Don Herbison-Evans for Help With Identification Sandstone Country
Notodontidae Possible Cerura multipunctata Split Tail Larva - Thanks to Dave Nowak & Don Herbison-Evans for Help With Identification Sandstone Country

Notodontidae Possible Cerura multipunctata Split Tail Moth - Thanks to Dave Nowak & Don Herbison-Evans for Help With Identification Sandstone Country

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